How Mike Got His First Seller-Financed Deal

As usual, it all started with a thoughtfully and strategically written letter.

And it ended with a purchase of a Seller-Financed property (and more–read on).

You see, Mike sent a batch of letters to people who own properties and are good candidates for Seller Financing.

And then his phone rang.

Let’s just say it was a very profitable phone call.  

A call that would turn into a deal with Seller Financing.

Oh, and one other small benefit: $100k of instant equity.  (!!!)

Oh yeah, and one more additional benefit: a great relationship that would lead to additional future private loans.

So like I said, a very profitable phone call.  

Mike’s story shatters one of the common myths of Seller Financing–that these Sellers demand top dollar when they finance the property for us, so we can’t really ever “get a good deal.”

Fortunately, that’s not true at all. We can get great deals on excellent properties with Seller Financing.

Check out the case study here for the whole story!

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