My wife Jessica and I walked into the conference room at the title company around 11 am, and there they were.
Eight thick folders awaiting my signatures.
Eight refinances. All made possible by what was effectively ONE new loan.
One of my favorite people in this business, my escrow officer Heidi, walked in behind us.
As I recall, we all had smiles on our faces, because:
—this was an especially elaborate and unique set of transactions we were about to close. This was not “just another day” or “just another closing.”
—it was going to massively improve our portfolio debt structure
—it was going to make for a great photo when we were done 🙂
So how does one new loan make 8 different refinances possible?
In a word: Supercharged Seller Financing
OK, that’s three words. But they are three of the most powerful words in this business, as far as I’m concerned.
You hear me talk a lot about Supercharged Seller Financing around here, but chances are, it’s still not totally clear to you.
Nor should it be—it’s a unique concept that not only requires but frankly DESERVES some time for it to sink in.
It’s an absolute key to growing a portfolio WAY faster than just “saving up for another down payment.”
Want to know more? Shoot me an email and we can talk.