
Coaching Philosophy: Learning to Underwrite

Sometimes I use social media almost like a white board where I post the thoughts that come to my mind in real time.  

Often times they are not totally new thoughts, but rather new ways of articulating those thoughts.  

Here’s one I posted in a group recently:  

One guy wrote back and asked me to explain more.  Here’s what I told him: 

Underwriting people is about what I call Solving the Person. It’s about developing a mastery of understanding the audience we are talking to. What are their perspectives, views, opinions, biases, attitudes, etc.? 

It’s only once we develop the ability to engage them in a way that simultaneously builds rapport while also discovering these critical insights about how they see the world, that we will have any real ability to know how the deal could best come together.

Why am I writing about this? 

Because the more I work with my real estate coaching clients–multiple times each day Monday through Friday–the importance of this point gets clearer and clearer to me.  

Through my time coaching real estate entrepreneurs, I’ve learned that real estate is less about real estate than we often assume.  

It’s more about the people behind the real estate, and understanding those people, and understanding how that real estate fits into their life.  

I honestly believe–from many years of personal experience and coaching others–that the single most valuable thing you could do would be to learn and eventually master the process of Solving the Person.

I’m here to support you in that effort.  

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