
Recent Podcasts

  • Never Hire an Acquisitions Manager

    Never Hire an Acquisitions Manager

    For many people, a growing real estate investment business means “scaling”—buying more properties, and doing a higher volume of deals. And that often leads investors to consider hiring an “Acquisitions Manager”—an employee whose sole job is the negotiate the purchase of properties, so that the investment company has enough “inventory” to repair, remodel and improve. For Thoughtful Real Estate Entrepreneurs, though, this is a huge mistake. In this episode, Jeff explains why TREES never hire Acquisitions Managers (Hint: it’s because that would mean outsourcing he most important part of the entire business: the negotiation with the Seller.)

  • Be the Seller’s “Travel Agent”

    Be the Seller’s “Travel Agent”

    Being a great off-market real estate investor—and a Thoughtful Real Estate Entrepreneur—is like being a great travel agent: you need to know where the Seller wants to go, and then you need to present them with an amazing plan and vehicle to get them there. In this episode, Jeff discusses the art of approaching Sellers with this mentality, how to understand what they really want, how to make proposals they will accept.

  • 3 Keys to Establishing Enough Credibility to Get Seller Financing

    3 Keys to Establishing Enough Credibility to Get Seller Financing

    How do you establish enough credibility with the Seller, to get them comfortable with the idea of doing Seller Financing with you; to being your lender? It’s an important question, with an important answer. In this episode, Jeff provides the top three keys to establishing that credibility with the Seller, so that you can get all the Seller Financing loans you need!

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