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  • How to Pick Your Off-Market Lead Generation Strategy

    How to Pick Your Off-Market Lead Generation Strategy

    Share This: Episode Summary Listen on iTunesListen on SpotifyWatch on YouTube We know we want to generate off-market leads, so that we can negotiate directly with the Seller. This leads most investors to ask the question, “what’s the most effective way to generate those off-market leads?” This is, however, the wrong question. A better question […]

  • A Profitable Deal Comes from Finding the Delta

    A Profitable Deal Comes from Finding the Delta

    Share This: Episode Summary Listen on iTunesListen on SpotifyWatch on YouTube How do we make money in real estate investing? Simply put, we seek to find “a Delta”—the difference between what we see in a property, and what the Seller sees. Entrepreneurs don’t see what is there, they see what COULD be there. There are […]

  • 3 Difficult Seller Questions and How to Respond to Them

    3 Difficult Seller Questions and How to Respond to Them

    Share This: Episode Summary Listen on iTunesListen on SpotifyWatch on YouTube When you first get started marketing directly to Sellers, it can seem a little scary to field those Seller phone calls and respond to their comments and questions. There’s a direct correlation between your confidence in responding to their questions, and the progress you […]

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