
Recent Podcasts

  • Don’t Be Limited by Your Resources.

    Don’t Be Limited by Your Resources.

    Share This: Episode Summary Listen on iTunesListen on SpotifyWatch on YouTube Most real estate investors look at a potential deal, then look at the resources they have to work with—such as their cash available—and think, “I can only get this deal done if it’s within the resources I have available.” Thoughtful Real Estate Entrepreneurs, on […]

  • Financial Independence Through Real Estate, While Keeping a W-2 Job, With Kimberly Kesterke

    Financial Independence Through Real Estate, While Keeping a W-2 Job, With Kimberly Kesterke

    Share This: Episode Summary Listen on iTunesListen on SpotifyWatch on YouTube Let’s face it—most people don’t just suddenly dive into full-time real estate entrepreneurship on day one. Instead, we usually start doing real estate on the side of our full-time W-2 jobs. And while for some the vision is to quit the day job and […]

  • Should You Buy in a Hot Market?

    Should You Buy in a Hot Market?

    Share This: Episode Summary Listen on iTunesListen on SpotifyWatch on YouTube When the market is hot, prices are on the rise and inventory is low. So the big question is: should you buy in that hot market? Or is it smarter to sit back and wait for things to cool down before jumping in and […]

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