  • You Probably Don’t Need As Much Cash As You Think

    You Probably Don’t Need As Much Cash As You Think

    Ever feel like you could make more progress in your real estate investing endeavors if you just had more CASH? Sure, many investors do as well. But it turns out that in most cases, you probably don’t need quite as much cash as you may think you do. In this episode, Jeff explains why when you feel like you have a cash problem, you usually don’t really have a cash problem. Instead, what you have is an acquisition and finance strategy problem. Jeff explains the problem and what to do about out it.

  • Doing Your Breakthrough Deal—Client Interview With Michael Monteith

    Doing Your Breakthrough Deal—Client Interview With Michael Monteith

    When you embark on a new path, learning new skills and attempting to do something you’ve never done before, that new path is by definition full of uncertainty and challenges. And while many people address their fears and discomfort by stepping off the path entirely, others continue to move forward bravely and boldly. In this episode, Jeff interviews Michael Monteith, a coaching client from The DEALS Workshop. Michael shares insights about his journey and experiences doing his first off-market deal with Seller Financing, lessons learned and aha moments that not only got the deal done, but make him more confident moving forward into his future deals as well.

  • The Optional Appraisal

    The Optional Appraisal

    Have you ever felt discouraged in your effort to build a cash-flowing rental portfolio?  Probably so—most of us have.  Perhaps you feel like the cash flowing properties are just too hard to find; or maybe you feel that today’s prices and interest rates just don’t pencil out.  If you’ve ever felt that way, this episode will give you a new way to look at things.  In this episode, Jeff shares a powerful analogy that he developed to help his coaching clients.  This analogy will help you reframe your approach to building a rental portfolio, and will give you new energy and encouragement as you do so. 

  • Why You Need a Coach and How to Pick One

    Why You Need a Coach and How to Pick One

    One of the most contentious topics in the real estate investing community is coaching—do you, or don’t you, need a coach? Each side has strong opinions. Those who do not believe in coaching will often say, “everything you need is available in books and podcasts.” But is that true? In this episode, Jeff explores this topic, and explains why he believes—without a doubt, based on his experience of both being a coaching client and coach himself—that you do indeed need a coach if you want to be the best possible real estate entrepreneur. Jeff explains why you need a coach, and how to pick the right one for you.

  • The Invisible Negotiation

    The Invisible Negotiation

    When does “the negotiation” begin, when you’re talking directly to a Seller, off-market? While many regular real estate investors would say it begins after the pleasantries are done, we Thoughtful Real Estate Entrepreneurs think differently. To us, the negotiation begins the second we first have contact with the Seller, and is conducted through a million tiny little “touch points” that the Seller has with us. In this episode, Jeff explains what touch points are, and how the secret to winning the invisible negotiation is to thoughtfully and intentionally manage those touch points.

  • The REAL Benefit of Seller Financing

    The REAL Benefit of Seller Financing

    Many investors get excited about the idea of Seller Financing because they think it will give them one big benefit: being able to make low—or no—down payments. And while that may be true sometimes, is that really the biggest benefit of Seller Financing? In this episode, Jeff breaks down the many different benefits of Seller Financing and proves that the real benefit of Seller Financing is the fact that you as the Buyer have a huge say in the loan terms.