
Recent Podcasts

  • Why You Need a Coach and How to Pick One

    Why You Need a Coach and How to Pick One

    One of the most contentious topics in the real estate investing community is coaching—do you, or don’t you, need a coach? Each side has strong opinions. Those who do not believe in coaching will often say, “everything you need is available in books and podcasts.” But is that true? In this episode, Jeff explores this topic, and explains why he believes—without a doubt, based on his experience of both being a coaching client and coach himself—that you do indeed need a coach if you want to be the best possible real estate entrepreneur. Jeff explains why you need a coach, and how to pick the right one for you.

  • The Invisible Negotiation

    The Invisible Negotiation

    When does “the negotiation” begin, when you’re talking directly to a Seller, off-market? While many regular real estate investors would say it begins after the pleasantries are done, we Thoughtful Real Estate Entrepreneurs think differently. To us, the negotiation begins the second we first have contact with the Seller, and is conducted through a million tiny little “touch points” that the Seller has with us. In this episode, Jeff explains what touch points are, and how the secret to winning the invisible negotiation is to thoughtfully and intentionally manage those touch points.

  • The REAL Benefit of Seller Financing

    The REAL Benefit of Seller Financing

    Many investors get excited about the idea of Seller Financing because they think it will give them one big benefit: being able to make low—or no—down payments. And while that may be true sometimes, is that really the biggest benefit of Seller Financing? In this episode, Jeff breaks down the many different benefits of Seller Financing and proves that the real benefit of Seller Financing is the fact that you as the Buyer have a huge say in the loan terms.

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