
Recent Podcasts

  • Financial Resilience > Financial Independence

    Financial Resilience > Financial Independence

    “Financial Independence” is the holy grail for many of us real estate investors….and it should be! But there’s another level beyond financial independence that’s even better and more valuable: Financial Resilience. In this episode, Jeff explains the difference between Financial Resilience and Financial Independence, and discusses why Financial Resilience is an even more valuable goal to achieve.

  • Is the Goal to Pay off the Mortgage?

    Is the Goal to Pay off the Mortgage?

    For many real estate investors, when they are considering which loans to get, they want to pay those loan off as quickly as possible. But is the goal really to pay off the debt on the property? For some people, it may be; but for many others, that’s not the goal at all. In this episode, Jeff explains why the goal may not be to pay a property off, and explains what the real goal is instead: to create a sustainable deal that buys you the time to get the real win you bought the property for.

  • Skip the Mundane Deals; Do These Instead

    Skip the Mundane Deals; Do These Instead

    “Should I do this deal?” It’s one of the most common questions we ask each other in the real estate investing community. Real estate “entrepreneurs” will have a different answer to this question than real estate “investors.” In this episode, Jeff explains the difference between “mundane deals,” and “entrepreneurial deals,” and discusses why as Thoughtful Real Estate Entrepreneurs, we avoid the mundane deals. Jeff discusses the critical question we must ask ourselves as we evaluate each opportunity: “what do I love about this deal?”

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