
Recent Podcasts

  • “Beautifully Mismanaged” Properties

    “Beautifully Mismanaged” Properties

    As Thoughtful Real Estate Entrepreneurs, we see problems as opportunities—chances to apply our entrepreneurship that create equity and cash flow. In this episode, Jeff shares and describes the expression, “Beautifully Mismanaged.” Beautifully mismanaged properties are those in which the Seller has left us with a lot of opportunity to create value by fixing the mistakes of their mismanagement. Jeff discusses the many different types of beautiful mismanagement, and explains how to win from identifying these opportunities.

  • Relationship Currency—A Live Conversation

    Relationship Currency—A Live Conversation

    Following up on recent podcast episodes about The Five Currencies (Financial, Effort, Time, Expertise and Relationship), Jeff hosts a live discussion with friend and coaching client Joe Hefley. In this episode, Jeff and Joe have an engaging conversation about the real-life, day-to-day dynamics of growing an “account” full of Relationship Currency.

  • The #1 Mistake Investors Make When Trying to Get Seller Financing

    The #1 Mistake Investors Make When Trying to Get Seller Financing

    When real estate entrepreneurs learn about Seller Financing, they tend to get really excited—for good reason! But this enthusiasm can lead to one big mistake, that actually decreases their success. In this episode, Jeff discusses the #1 mistake that real estate investors make when pursuing Seller Financing deals, and explains how to correct that mistake and get much better results!

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