SFREI #30: Aligning Money with Purpose, With Dill Ward
Share This: SFREI #30: Aligning Money with Purpose, With Dill Ward Episode References DillWard.com About Dill Dill Ward is on a mission to raise the vibration on the planet one interaction at a time. Working as a life-catalyzing Realtor for the past decade she combines her unique perspective as a real estate investor, community builder, […]
Thoughtful Real Estate Entrepreneur–What It Means to be One
Share This: We are Thoughtful Real Estate Entrepreneurs. We write these articles for others who consider themselves to be–or want to become–Thoughtful Real Estate Entrepreneurs themselves. You, presumably, see yourself as a fellow Thoughtful Real Estate Entrepreneur (TREE). But what, exactly, is a Thoughtful Real Estate Entrepreneur? Let’s take a few moments and examine what it […]
Like My Life Depended On It
Share This: Recently I had an important project on my plate. I needed to find some financing for a property, and I had been struggling to find it. More accurately, I had been struggling to figure out how to find it. It had been on my list of projects for several months, and was becoming […]
What Belief System Do You Need To Install?
Share This: I’ve been thinking a lot over the past several months about my belief system (when you go to events like Power Players you can’t help but start pondering this!). There are a lot of questions that come up when thinking on this topic: What exactly are my conscious beliefs? What are my unconscious […]
Bonus Article: Why You Probably Don’t Know What You Want, & How To Fix That
Share This: Get the article now! In my experience, most people don’t really know what they want in life. Their knee-jerk reaction is “what? of course I do!” But when asked to really dig down and share a clear vision of what they want, they struggle. I think there are several reasons for why this […]
Investing In Personal Resilience and Self Reliance
Share This: I believe there’s one investment that can never go wrong. It always has return on investment, and is an absolute guaranteed winner. That investment is simply investing in your own self reliance. Let me explain. I’ve found there are many people who believe life is happening “to” them. They believe their life is […]
The Rolling University
Share This: A close friend just texted me and asked: “I have a 10-hour solo car drive coming up. Can you recommend some audio books?” Great question! My friend is working on a new startup business and we have a shared interest in real estate and entrepreneurship, so I know a little about what he […]