
The Rolling University

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the-rolling-universityA close friend just texted me and asked: “I have a 10-hour solo car drive coming up. Can you recommend some audio books?”

Great question! My friend is working on a new startup business and we have a shared interest in real estate and entrepreneurship, so I know a little about what he may enjoy and find useful. I knew it would be fun to put my list together, and I thought I’d share it with you all too.

In the last few years, I’ve developed a personal philosophy of “go where my energy takes me.” That means if on a given day I’m feeling inspired to read about personal finance, that’s what I read. If I’m feeling inspired about real estate, then I pick up a real estate book. If I’m feeling fired up about online business….well, you get the point. That said, to answer my buddy’s question, I have to list out a few sub-categories, and then I would see what I was feeling inspired by when I sat down in my car.

Disclosure: Please note that some of the links below are affiliate links. If you choose to buy one of these books/audiobooks, I will earn a commission, at no extra cost to you. Please do not feel compelled to purchase these unless you believe they will enhance your journey on the path to building the life you want. Every resource I’ve mentioned below is one I personally have used and loved. 


The Lean Startup by Eric Ries
Why:  For a great framework on how to vet and test a new entrepreneurial concept, and how to prevent building a product the market may not want.

Crush It! by Gary Vaynerchuk
Why:  For inspiration to be passionate and go out there and do something great.

The E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber
Why:  To ground myself when I’m feeling too frantic or overwhelmed in business.  Or, if I was starting a new business and wanted to start with a vision for a systematized business.


Made to Stick, by Chip and Dan Heath
Why: For a great primer on what makes ideas memorable. I would use this to generate ideas for how to make the elements of my own businesses more memorable and marketing-friendly.

Purple Cow, by Seth Godin
Why:  For a great overall lesson on what it means to truly differentiate. As with Made to Stick, I would use this to brainstorm ideas for differentiating my own business, or use it as a test to see if my own business was differentiated enough.  (And, let’s be honest, I’d gladly recommend reading/listening to anything Seth Godin has written)

Brand and Culture

Delivering Happiness, by Tony Hsieh
Why: For a great, fun and inspiring story on how to create a great company that’s steeped in its own brand and a distinct company culture. (Side Note: I did the Zappos Experience tour of their Las Vegas headquarters, and it’s an awesome, recommended experience.)

Start with Why, by Simon Sinek
Why:  To test out my assumptions about my company’s brand, and to make sure we are clear enough on the WHY that drives us.  Back in the day I owned my brand consulting agency, I frequently recommended my clients read this book.

Personal Finance

Rich Dad Poor Dad, by Robert Kiyosaki


Rich Dad’s Cashflow Quadrant, by Robert Kiyosaki
Why: As I’ve mentioned on the Resources page, these are classic, foundational books for me. Anytime I’m feeling the need to re-ground myself in my pursuit of passive income, I re-listen to or re-read these books. In fact, I’ve used 10 hour drives for exactly this purpose myself.

Real Estate

The Masters Series by The Cor Co

Why:  I would recommend getting your hands on anything and everything these guys put out.  Truth be told, it’s not just about real estate–it’s about life. Love it.

The Real Estate Guys Radio Show
Why: This podcast is an excellent educational resource on all things real estate. While many real estate podcasts out there are very tactical and often somewhat gimmicky, The Real Estate Guys put on an excellent show without any hype. I learn a lot from every single episode.

ABCs of Real Estate Investing, by Ken McElroy
Why: For a great understanding of how real estate investing fits into the financial independence framework of the Rich Dad teachings. Ken McElroy is an incredible real estate investor and has a lot to teach.

The Bigger Pockets Podcast
Why:  For a fun, entertaining and educational time learning about real estate. Hosts Josh and Brandon are funny guys who put on a nice show that is both light-hearted and substantive, featuring lots of real life real estate investors telling their stories.  (Note: Some advanced real estate investors may eventually grow out of this show)

Personal Development

10X Talk Podcast
Why:  When Strategic Coach founder Dan Sullivan has something to say, I listen. Dan and his student/friend, the dynamic and successful entrepreneur Joe Polish, wax philosophical, strategic and big-picture about the path to growing 10x as a person and as an entrepreneur.

Getting Things Done, by David Allen
Why: To ground myself and sharpen up my tools of personal productivity when I’m feeling overwhelmed.  I have literally listened to this on long road trips, and have always come home feeling calm, grounded and ready to implement some new strategies to stay on top of everything I’m working on in my life.

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