
Category: Owner Financing

  • “Unreasonable Sellers” and Why I Love Them

    “Unreasonable Sellers” and Why I Love Them

    We’ve all met them: the off-market Sellers who we chat with and immediately have red flags that they are not reasonable. But what exactly defines “unreasonable”? For more real estate investors, an unreasonable Seller is one who has unrealistic expectations for their property’s value. But for us Thoughtful Real Estate Entrepreneurs, our perspective is different and we define “unreasonable Sellers” differently. In this episode, Jeff explains why those Sellers who most investors would disregard as “unreasonable” actually represent great opportunity for those skilled in the art of Relationship Capital and Seller Relations.

  • 5 Reasons Why You Should Happily Get Seller Financing for a Mere 10% of the Price

    5 Reasons Why You Should Happily Get Seller Financing for a Mere 10% of the Price

    Many real estate investors think that Seller Financing is only beneficial if it results in a tiny—or zero—down payment.  In other words, they think that unless they get 90% or higher LTV financing, it’s not worth it.  This simply is not true.  In this episode, Jeff asks the question: “what if the Seller Financing you could get is only 10% of the total purchase price—would you still do it?” and explains why YES, absolutely you should.  Learn the five simply reasons why you should happily get Seller Financing for even just 10% of the price!

  • Putting Your Strengths to Work in Your Real Estate Investing Endeavors

    Putting Your Strengths to Work in Your Real Estate Investing Endeavors

    Every one of us has unique talents, gifts and strengths.  But unfortunately, the real estate investing education industry doesn’t often emphasize the importance of discovering and harnessing those talents in the pursuit of financial freedom through real estate.  Instead, mainstream REI education focuses on teaching us supposed universal formulas and recipes for success…with little or no consideration for what our unique individual talents are.  In this episode, Jeff discusses the importance and value of harnessing our own unique gifts in our real estate investing efforts. 

  • Find a ‘School of Thought’ to Join

    Find a ‘School of Thought’ to Join

    In this special case study episode, Jeff interviews Ryan, a client in The DEALS Workshop. Ryan recently bought his first rental property using the thoughtful approach he learned in The DEALS Workshop, and in this episode he tells the entire story of acquiring this excellent off-market duplex with Seller Financing.

  • Client Case Study: Ryan Uses Relationship to Negotiate an Awesome Duplex with Seller Financing

    Client Case Study: Ryan Uses Relationship to Negotiate an Awesome Duplex with Seller Financing

    In this special case study episode, Jeff interviews Ryan, a client in The DEALS Workshop. Ryan recently bought his first rental property using the thoughtful approach he learned in The DEALS Workshop, and in this episode he tells the entire story of acquiring this excellent off-market duplex with Seller Financing.

  • A Simple 2-Step Seller Negotiation Framework

    A Simple 2-Step Seller Negotiation Framework

    Sometimes, we work with Sellers who are very open to the conversation about selling us their properties, but who may not be sure exactly how to make a decision. This can leave them ambivalent and unsure about how to proceed. In this episode, Jeff describes a simple but powerful two-step framework for helping a Seller to get clarity on their own situations and options, so that they can make the best possible decision.

  • Define What You WON’T Do

    Define What You WON’T Do

    We all know the power of setting goals, declaring the actions we will take—even if they are outside our comfort zone—and then taking those actions to progress towards our goals. But what about the opposite—defining what we WON’T do? It turns out there is great value in setting boundaries that eliminate certain possibilities. In this episode, Jeff explains the value and importance of defining what we WON’T do, and describes the number one most important thing to decide NOT to do.

  • Using “Seller Bonding” in Multifamily Investing, with Rod Khleif

    Using “Seller Bonding” in Multifamily Investing, with Rod Khleif

    It’s no secret that if you want to grow a portfolio, buying multifamily rentals can boost your portfolio size, door count and monthly income quickly.  In this episode, Jeff interviews multifamily real estate investing legend Rod Khleif.  Rod shares his epic journey—including both highs and lows—in real estate investing, explains why he feels we will be facing an economic downturn, discusses the importance of giving, and explains “seller bonding” and how it can be used to buy properties with Seller Financing. Rod Khleif is the author of “How to Create Lifetime Cash Flow Through Multifamily Properties: The New Rules of Real Estate Investing,” and one of the leading educators for multifamily real estate investors.

  • How to Get Massive Traction in Your Real Estate Investing

    How to Get Massive Traction in Your Real Estate Investing

    At the beginning of a real estate investing journey, there’s a lot of necessary exploration. We are learning and trying out lots of new ideas, approaches, strategies and more.  But ultimately, if we want to make meaningful progress in our real estate investing endeavors, we need to settle into an investing approach that we can replicate over and over again—that’s when we get the most traction and make the most progress.  In this episode, Jeff shares a seldom-discussed key aspect of finding that sweet spot that will create the most possible traction:  adopting a strategy that is at the intersection of the head and the heart.

  • Client Case Study Interview: Buying Additional Properties from a Previous Seller

    Client Case Study Interview: Buying Additional Properties from a Previous Seller

    Often times, when you use a relationship-oriented approach to buy a property from an off-market Seller with Seller Financing, there’s a good chance that Seller may own more properties they might consider selling you in the future. In this episode, Jeff sits down with Nate and Kylie, clients of The DEALS Workshop, who recently did just that: they bought a second batch of three properties with Seller Financing from their previous Seller! Check out the client case study interview in this episode!