Category: Seller Direct Mail Marketing

  • SFREI #26: Marketing “What” You Do, vs. “How” You Do It

    Share This: SFREI #26: Marketing “What” You Do, vs. “How” You Do It Episode Summary Listen to the episode on iTunes Listen on Spotify When you’re marketing to off-market Sellers, you can either pitch your WHAT, or you can demonstrate your HOW.  Lowbrow investors offer their WHAT in the first contact…what they can do, what […]

  • SFREI #25: When should you start negotiating with the Seller?

    Share This: SFREI #25: When should you start negotiating with the Seller? Episode Summary Listen to the episode on iTunes Listen on Spotify When you’re trying to buy a property off-market from a Seller, when do you start negotiating?  The answer will likely surprise you, and it’s probably far earlier than you think! First, you […]