
Being a Conscious Investor Through Multifamily Syndication with Julie Holly

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Have you ever considered a real estate investment strategy where you partner with other investors, and contribute money into their deals—having a small slice of of a much larger pie? If so, this episode is for you. In this interview, Jeff chats with Julie Holly of The Conscious Investor podcast. Julie is an investor in multifamily properties through syndication, and works with private investors to fund deals. Jeff and Julie discuss what it means to be a conscious investor, the journey of experimenting with multiple different types of real estate investing, and the perks of multifamily syndications.

Episode Transcript

Why I invest what’s important to me in the investment space? And how do I want to go about life? How do those is we’re not just, oh well my money’s over here on one side of my world and my investments are over here and me as a person is like in this total different outerspace zone that’s not how it works, our lives are integrated, they are holding complete is in so to integrate the investing. And you know, the personal development transformation makes so much sense to me. So consciously investing is really, I’m investing in myself in my community. In my finances, I’m investing quite very holistically.

Jeff Stephens 

Welcome to racking up rentals, a show about how regular people, those of us without huge war chest of capital or insider connections, can build lasting wealth acquiring a portfolio of buy and hold real estate. But we don’t just go mainstream looking at what’s on the market and asking banks for loans, nor are we posting WE BUY HOUSES signs, we’re just looking for quote, motivated sellers to make lowball offers to. You see, we are people oriented dealmakers we sit down directly with sellers to work out Win Win deals without agents or any other obstacles, and buy properties nobody else even knows are for sale. I’m Jeff from the thoughtful real estate entrepreneur. If you’re the kind of real estate investor who wants long term wealth, not get rich quick gimmicks or pictures of yourself holding fat checks on social media. This show is for you. Join me and quietly become the wealthiest person on your block. Now let’s go rack up a rental portfolio. Hey, thanks for joining me for another episode of racking up rentals. Show Notes for this episode can be found at thoughtful rt e.com/e 163. Please do us a big favor by hitting the subscribe or follow button in your podcast app. It really helps you make sure you don’t miss anything but it also lets the platform’s know that you are listening. It makes them want to spread the show to other real estate entrepreneurs like us. Onward with today’s episode, and in today’s episode, I’m really pleased to share with you a conversation I recently had with Julie Holly Julie is the host of a podcast called The conscious investor. And she does more things than that as well, including multifamily syndications. And when I came across her podcast, I was just scrolling through I saw it somewhere and it just was like, wait a minute, the conscious investor? If there are, you know, words that align with thoughtfulness. Wow, that is absolutely one of them. So I have to look into this more. So I absolutely did that. And kind of follow it up and then reached out and we became friends on social media. And I said, I think we need to have a conversation on the podcast. And she was kind enough to do that. So I’m really pleased to share this episode with you today. So without further ado, let’s go ahead and get into the interview. All right, Julie, thank you for joining me on racking up rentals today.

Yeah, I’m so excited. I mean, rentals are the best investment ever.

Jeff Stephens 

Yeah, well, I totally agree. So when I came across you, I feel like I was you know, I don’t know, scrolling through something or wherever I was. And I saw these words the conscious investor. And it was just like this record scratch, like, you know, kind of screech to a halt kind of a thing. So I’m, I’m scrolling. I’m scrolling. And I’m like, boom, wait a minute. Whoa, that sounds very much like, my kind of thing like this sounds like it’s my kind of person’s mind kind of thing. Thoughtful, conscious, holy cow, these things seem so connected. So I’d love to start by just asking you like what is conscious investing? How did you land on that sort of terminology for what you do and who you are?

You know, I love the question. I may have even given you that question. I’m not sure you know, this kind of, we kind of had some good fun off air conversation. But you know, what’s interesting is that, like most things in life, it didn’t start out that way. So I didn’t start out as a conscious investor. And I think that’s really good for listeners to hear is that when we’re willing to start our journey when we’re willing to take one step after the you know, in just take the step and take the next step and just continually do that? We unearth amazing treasures. So my podcast actually began as asked me how I know multifamily stories that struggles to success, say that like five times faster, you can’t it’s a tongue twister. Great SEO rich, right? And then I was out hiking with a friend. And he said, Hey, would you how would you describe your podcast to my girlfriend? And I fumbled over my words, trying to described how I have mindset and multifamily investing. And that was the focus of my podcast because to most people, those two are they’re not peanut butter and jelly. It’s almost like, you know, mayonnaise on your PBJ right, like, how does this even go together? And that’s where he said, Well, would you couldn’t say you have conscious like, you’re consciously you’re the conscious investor. I mean, he just put these words together and the rest, we were out hiking and the whole hike was about the conscious investor. And it was rebranded at that moment, because I was willing to take every step one step after another sequentially. And that allowed me that personal discovery of more of why I invest what’s important to me in the investment space, and how do I want to go about life? How do those because we’re not just, oh, well, my money’s over here on one side of my world, and my investments are over here. And me as a person is like in this total different outerspace zone, that’s not how it works, our lives are integrated, they are holding complete is in so to integrate the investing. And you know, the personal development transformation makes so much sense to me. So consciously investing is really, I’m investing in myself, in my community, in my finances, I’m investing quite very holistically. Yeah, that is a longest answer ever, you probably weren’t banking on that.

Jeff Stephens 

Oh, it’s great. I mean, holistic This is, everything you’re saying is so aligned, kind of like what with how I think and then how kind of in this community, we end up talking about things. You know, I heard somebody say a long time ago that entrepreneurship and I want to circle back to this, but just substitute real estate investing real estate investing entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is the greatest personal development course that you’ve never intended to sign up for. And even a while back, I did an episode about like how the best outcome the best, the real results from being a real estate entrepreneur is not just financial stuff, it’s actually the person you become kind of in that in the process, like, it seems like a byproduct. But to me, it’s like, it’s not really a byproduct, it’s kind of the main product. So that is, that’s fantastic.

I love that, you know, to elaborate a little more on that. And I think it’s what you’re saying is to go a little further, like pulling taffy, if you will, it’s it’s almost like if you’re in a traditional job, and there’s nothing nothing terrible about that I was a public school teacher for 13 years. So there’s no shame in that. So I don’t want it anyone to hear it in this regard in that regard, right. But it’s easy to go through the motions and to be comfortable and to just simply continually go through the motions for, you know, year after year. And as an entrepreneur, as an investor, you are constantly forced to develop and change, you have to you have to stay relevant. You have to stay current with what’s taking place, or you’re going to be come obsolete. And so personal development transformation isn’t optional for entrepreneurs. It’s not necessary.

Jeff Stephens 

Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. So let’s maybe back up a little bit. So you were a teacher? Where did real estate enter your life? How did enter your life? How did you end up transitioning from what you were doing to what you’re doing now? And just for context, like what do typical real estate deals and projects you’re involved in now? Like, what did they look like?

I love this question. So I can sound very pretentious. I was born into a real estate family. And it is true. I am third generation in real estate. However, my family’s background is residential real estate sales. And so when I was born, my dad actually began his career in residential real estate. And that was all I knew as his career and occupation. And through that I was able to, you know, he’d go on my field trips of school and things like that he had that flexibility. My mom was a teacher. So she did not have that flexibility. Coincidently, I was I was a teacher, and I have my kids were younger, and I wasn’t full time real estate investor, Julie, my husband who is full time real estate broker. Funny how, you know, you kind of keep all the same hats in life a little bit. He would go on the field trips with my kids while I was teaching. So, you know, kind of an interesting change of events, right? That, but when I was teaching, I had tenure, I was in my early 20s. And I thought I was safe. I was home free. And then they started handing out pink slips. I like, you know, 25 ish or so at the time. And I realized, I thought that I had security. I thought that my job was safe as working for the government. Come on, the government isn’t going to lay off a teacher and so it’s really a sobering moment. Because although I was comfortable with the idea of I’m going to have a quote teacher’s salary for the rest of my life, and that’s going to be okay. I’m not going to be a Rockefeller. I’m okay with that. However, that security of well I have a job I’m in the security of, well, I have a, you know, Teacher’s Retirement that will await me at the end, suddenly flashed before my eyes, like, wait a second, if they can lay off teachers, like, that’s me, I really not safe. And I thought that this is going to be a safe spot for me to be career wise and for the rest of my life. And that’s when I realized, although, to be clear, I didn’t get a pink slip, and I didn’t get laid off. But that’s where I had a huge aha moment of, if anyone is going to take care of me, I have to be take care of, I have to take care of myself, and I can’t rely on anyone else to provide that job for me. So it’s an interesting time, you know, interesting awakening, I was in, you know, went into real estate, and real estate is just and education just went in and out of my life together in a very dovetailed way, is the best way to put it. So I didn’t, I’ve taught in chunks of my life, which is really interesting. And in the chunks, where I wasn’t teaching, I was managing rentals that we had and raising kids and homeschooling and then you know, it’s kind of this little ebb and flow. However, when I discovered apartment syndication, I have not once turned back, and leaving leaving the classroom. I can’t imagine leaving the contribution of serving kids and students in the public school setting. I love that I launched a junior robotics team, they were able to go to the World Championship, it was like this, there’s so much of that story, right? They’re taking small town, kids from the Canadian border down to Houston, Texas, like completely opposite end of the world when they’re, you know, second and third grade. So I knew I was doing great things there. And that would be very challenging to leave. However, I see now a different way of looking at this, a lot of times they say do it for the kids, the kids need us, we want to build up and raise up the kids. And while I believe in that, I actually have a different perspective. And that perspective is if I can serve the adults, if I can serve parents, and I can teach them how to invest and reduce their financial anxiety, and maybe even coach them in personal development and transformation. What kind of environment are the kids gonna grow up in? They’re gonna grow up with completely different parents, because financial issues are some of the number one is like the number one fights that families have. Right. So if I can alleviate that and do a top down approach, now I’ve changed adults lives in here and now and that will change the kids lives forever. Yeah.

Jeff Stephens 

Wow. That’s, that’s amazing. It’s beautiful. Recently, I was listening to podcast where Ed, my lead was speaking you familiar with him?

Do I have the power of one more? I do? I do. Let’s just my my book cover. It’ll be reading this

Jeff Stephens 

next. Okay, nice. Yeah, well, I’ve got the digital version on my iPad right here. Just finished it too. So he was talking this interview and I’m gonna just paraphrase. But he said something about like, I think there’s an epidemic of child abuse in our country, but a very hard to see and insidious version of child abuse. And he said, I think that this version is kids growing up in an environment where there’s not seeing their parents become their best selves and be happy and fulfilled in their work and really strive for more and i Wow, that’s incredible. I don’t have kids I’m not thinking about that stuff on a day to day basis, but when he put it in his terms, I thought that’s really an incredible like perspective on that topic and what better I don’t know it sounds cheesy but like fertile soil for kids to grow up in then then that of seeing their parents not just bright like breeze through life but but succeed by doing some stuff that’s maybe a little outside the norm and the things that sounds like you’re helping and coaching with.

Yeah, the you know, I commend you for that. I think that episode was with the comedian. And it was a fantastic episode. It came out recently. I listened to that most of it with my family even it was so good. I’m like, because I have to hear those horror stories amazing. Not to derail or tangent so much, but, but it is true and that kids need those role models. Because life I was mentioning to an investor earlier today life is just a series of different challenges and hurdles that we face and learning how to go through those. Well, because guess what, listeners just do this for a moment. What’s your pain point right now? And you ask yourself that? Well, you know, right now I just don’t know if I’m going to be able to pay the bills, or maybe I have this right. And then II think, what was your pain point last week? Well, I had this big project at work. And it was, it’s always something, there’s always something and so like, if we grow and develop and transform, we’re able to just recognize like, Okay, this is just part of life. It’s gonna be okay. I’m gonna get through it. Yeah. Awesome.

Jeff Stephens 

I love the topic of transformation, I think about a lot. I mean, as people I think about a lot as properties actually, as well. That’s one thing I find myself talking about with coaching clients a lot is like, we’re gonna make a lot more headway in a deal. If we can find some way to create a transformation, if we’re gonna buy something that just sort of is what it is. And it’s like more of a turnkey thing. That’s great. But we’re probably not going to create a lot of equity out of nowhere, unless we’re creating a transformation and in the transformation as humans too. So I guess using that as like a little bit of a segue, you mentioned apartment syndication. So I’m glad you clarified that too, because, you know, people say multifamily investing can mean like I own and manage a duplex or I’m one of 49 partners and 500 unit deal somewhere. Did you go straight into it? When you when you stepped into the investing path? Did you go straight into apartment syndication? or were there other things that you tried? In the meantime? Did you own some properties? Just sort of solo yourself locally? Or what was your journey like there?

Golly, that was a great transition, by the way. And super high five on that one end, you know what, unfortunately, although I was around the real estate community, nobody was talking about apartment syndication. That wasn’t even something. Any buddy said, I sit in sales meetings, besides commercial brokers. Never once did they say anything makes me really sad. Because I was in my 40s, when I discovered apartment syndication, and it’s a little bit frustrating. However, all things happen in the right time. So I did the house hack thing, my husband and I made this commitment. We’re like, well, let’s just have a modest lifestyle. And we will pick up a house and we’ll you know, do the sweat equity into it. And then we’ll just rent it out and move into something else. And we’ve always wanted to just be able to have more flexibility, if you live off of one income, if you’re married and live off of one income. It provides so much flexibility in life for all sorts of things. And so it did. I was able to manage we held on to a condo we had in Denver, I was able to manage that when we moved back to California I met you know, and had another place in California as well that we went in, lived in, fixed it and then moved on. So you just like, then we had our you know, as you have kids and you start to feel vulnerable, I started to feel like this just doesn’t feel safe. I know we have the reserves. But if something goes wrong, way wrong, we’re totally screwed. And I really don’t want to experience that. So and so we exited that space, and the money was sitting in the bank, and there’s nothing worse than losing money in a bank. It’s the worst investment ever. If your money’s in the bank, fine. I’ll call Jeff call me like do something better with the money, then leave like you’re just you’re losing, you know, what is 8% this year, you’re gonna lose at least So anyhow, off my soapbox for a moment, I discovered apartment syndication. And if you’re new to that term, it just essentially means we’re crowdfunding these huge multimillion dollar purchases. And the coolest part about it is it everybody involved has real ownership, it’s very different than a REIT. A REIT is more similar to a stock and it actually acts like a stock because the way you are going to transact it with with a REIT is just in the same way as you’re going to transact with this stock, you’re going to have the same tax consequences and such in the liabilities of that. But when you’re in an apartment syndication, you actually have real tangible ownership of that complex. And that allows you to gain the benefits of real ownership and the you know, sometimes, some people say that you can use all these tax benefits, blah, blah, blah. It depends on your scenario, you gotta talk to your tax consultant, but oftentimes there it’s very tax advantaged. And so just being able to teach people and guide people in that really lured me in and his just absolutely just makes my day talking to investors and showing them how easy it is to participate as a limited partner. You don’t have to deal with the sweat equity, you don’t have to deal with the stress of is, you know, what if X, Y and Z happens, because we’re actually buying an already operational business, and we’re improving that business, we’re building equity into the business by how we are implementing an actual business plan with a beautiful budget to it. I mean, The whole thing feels so safe and warm. It’s like a warm blanket honestly, to me, because then it’s very predictable and stable. And you know, every investment has its risks to it. However, when I look at my investment options in the world, and how much time and effort and energy and oversight I’m going to have to implement, this model is absolutely beautiful for people who are looking for something to um, you know, an investment that is going to help grow their wealth, and provide some distributions along the way. It’s beautiful.

Jeff Stephens 

So are you mostly acting as the syndicator? Or the sponsor? Whatever you might call it yourself? Are you participating in other people’s syndications? Or some combination of this is

a combination of this. Yeah, so so we can come in as two different roles, we have the general partners who are the people actually on the field managing the transaction hunting, trust me, it takes time to, to acquire to hunt down every single deal. And then it takes time to negotiate. It takes time to have those broker relationships and you know, you’re signing on that loan. So you’re on the hook, and so that general partners, there’s so much more you know, you’re managing that asset after the fact and making sure the business the apartment complex is running smoothly and, and growing that business plan. So yes, I’m on that general partner side. I’m also on the limited partner side, in other deals. So that’s the nice thing. I love getting these emails, it’s like, oh, cool, right? We just got an email, oh, they might refinance it, oh, gee, that would stink to get some, you know, if they did a cash out refi. And they returned 60% of our investment while we’re still in the deal, and we won’t be penalized tax wise on that. Like, that sounds like really great plan to me, so. So it’s really nice to be on both sides. For me, my investors, many of them wear both hats. And then I have many investors who enjoy just, here’s my money, grow it, send me the updates. And let me check my bank account quarterly and see what’s going on.

Jeff Stephens 

Yeah, yeah. So this reminds me is a question is a little topic I like to think about I talk about, and I haven’t warned you about this at all. But let me just ask you, because then I follow up with some context. Do you see yourself more as an investor? Or do you see yourself as an entrepreneur? Who’s spaces real estate basically? Or does it change with those different hats?

Are they different? Is an investor any different than an entrepreneur?

What are your definitions? Give me your definitions, and then maybe I’ll make my choice.

Jeff Stephens 

So my, my simple definition is is an investor, somebody who gathers resources and then they look for vehicles into which to place those resources. Whereas entrepreneurs, by, by my definition, are people who go out and create opportunity, and then gather the resources needed to capitalize on that opportunity. So it’s sort of like an order of operations thing. Like one is, I have resources, let me figure out what to do with them on the other ones, the opposite.

But that’s just okay. I can see why you’d be like, No, then I know I’d like it. No, this is this is what more don’t work. People need to be saying, well wait, like, let me understand what your definitions are before I answer, right. That’s a great, love it. Wow, now you have my wheels turning, I’m going to have to say that I am probably more an entrepreneur than an investor. Because I’m always like, for the people for the opportunity and whatever vehicle is going to work that’s going to work ultimately, it ends in an investment. I mean, it’s really hard to it’s it’s almost like if you have some kids like slime a lot, and like the little it’s tangible slime stuff that’s really satisfying, actually. And so they you know, you can mix them and blend them together. I feel like I feel like for me they’re they’re really intertwined, but they’re two separate colors. Venn diagram esque. Yeah, there’s a good solid overlap. Can we Okay, that’s where I’m gonna land.

Jeff Stephens 

Okay, well, that’s cool.

I was planning right there.

Jeff Stephens 

Yes. 1010 points. Yeah, I was getting the the impression or that the overall vibe that when you’re discussing the general partner role that that was more entrepreneurial, and then a limited partner role, maybe more like an investor. But here’s what I was really thinking. And I was thinking to myself what a shame now you and I were just we just got to know each other like, you know, today. What a shame if you your whole role was just like writing checks and mailing them to people because you have Have like such charisma and and things like that that would not be like talents and strengths that would not be getting used if all you were doing is like passively investing in other people’s deals. That my take is that that as we will I mean, especially as we seek to kind of integrate personal development with investing and all that kind of stuff. We should be really asking ourselves like, how, how best can I harness like, what I’m personally good at? Like, what are the things only I can do that nobody else does, as well as me, right? And make sure that our make sure that our investment philosophy reflects those things. And so anyway, I’m glad to hear that like that there are ways that like is you just be ashamed to have you locked in a room just writing people checks and mailing them, right? Because it wouldn’t capture, like what you seem to be very able to do, which is like probably connecting with people getting them inspired by a vision for a property and a project and things like that. Does that make sense?

Oh, yeah, thank you. Thank you. And, you know, here’s what’s interesting. Most people have such a difficult time identifying what their strengths are. Because typically, whatever, whatever our strengths are come so naturally to us. And I have a theory that I very much embrace. So it’s a Julie law. Now, the first love of Julie here. And that is that whatever we’re really, really good at was suffocated throughout our childhood. That sounds really dramatic, I get that. But usually, whatever we’re good at is raw material. And it’s unrefined. And we are directed traditionally, the parenting in adult scene, as you know, that scene with kids is shifting a lot. But I know when I was growing up is like, you needed to stay in the box, you needed to conform, you need to do to do certain things. So I was told you talk too much Be quiet. Here’s your detention for talking. Raise your hand, here’s your detention, you know, and I’m not saying there isn’t there. I’m not trying to go against order. Obviously, as a classroom teacher, I understand like order and, you know, having that structure in place and everything. But my point is, is that a lot of times were told, I could easily tell my son, a lot of things that would you know, very much inhibit his own growth, because, but I can recognize now that’s actually your strength is just not coming out in the best way right now. Now, let’s refine it. And so if you’re, you know, like for you and for everyone listening, like go back to your childhood and think about what did I? What did I get in trouble for all the time? And okay, maybe I shouldn’t have been doing that. But what’s the underlying seeing beneath that, because that might be a way to find your super strength?

Jeff Stephens 

Yeah. Yeah. That’s a that’s a great perspective. And, yeah. And I love the way you said that about the certification. It’s really, it’s really, really interesting. I, I feel like there’s this whole potential field that maybe we need to found it together, but like the strengths based investing, like, why isn’t that a thing we hear people talk about? I don’t get, I feel like it needs to be because we have this sort of mentality that’s like that.

I’m writing that down. I’m not taking dibs on it. I’m writing it down.

Jeff Stephens 

No, okay. Yeah, you know, I don’t know real estate investing. People are like, Oh, my God, there’s so much to net, right? So let me get a book tells you like, this is how you do it. And so people think it’s like a formula. And it’s like, you need to mold yourself to real estate investing. And I just, I think about it like a little bit differently. Now, these days. I mean, that’s when I was earlier in the process. I was like, Oh, just follow the frickin instructions. Right? I mean, that’s what I was thinking to. Yes. But now I’m kind of thinking of it the opposite way, which is like, know who you are, know what you’re super good at and make sure that whatever strategy you’re adopting, you’re, if you’re adopting it, you’re adapting it to the things that you’re that you’re best to, like, that’s one of the thing like I’ve, I’ve always thought about with syndications. I haven’t really seriously considered being the syndicator myself, although I think they’ll probably fit me okay. But when I think about like, participating passively in other people’s deals, I’m like, why would I do that? Because I wouldn’t take advantage of anything that I’m good at. Like, I’m good at sitting in somebody’s living room on the couch, having a conversation asking good questions, listening, really trying to figure out what they’re trying to accomplish, potentially with the sale of a property. And I’m like, that that talent would be useless in that particular context. So anyway, strengths based investing, we need to we need to, we need to figure this thing

started here. It started here in this conversation. You know, the interesting part about being a limited partner everybody throws around the, you know, LP. The interesting benefit to that, and Brendon Burchard talks about this oftentimes is that we have to be able to sustain our message. And so whatever it is that we do love in life, we do have bills, we have to pay, and we do have things we want to do. And so we have to figure out ways multiple ways to create streams of income so that our message is sustained, and we’re able to carry out our strings. And that’s why I like doing both. That’s why I like being active and passive. It’s like, okay, great. I’m in this pool over here, using my strengths, talents and abilities. But then I’m also growing this over here, which also provides us other support in the investment portfolio.

Jeff Stephens 

Yeah, yeah. I, I totally relate to what you’re saying there too. And yeah, that’s a really that’s a really good way to put it. Brendan’s a smart guy. Nice.

He really is pretty smart. Isn’t it? Like, wait, did you want to see another book? Jumping around library there? I I’m a tangible I’m a book person. So I’m always having books around me.

Jeff Stephens 

Yeah. So before, before we wrap it up, I see in the background, you have the sign back that says three keys investments. And I’m guessing that that number or that name wasn’t just like, pulled out of thin air? So tell us what is three keys investments mean? Like, why was that a meaningful thing for you?

Yeah, I know, I’m pretty superficial. So I’m surprised you think it means more. I have to my sarcasm coming out. I’m sorry. No, so three, I’m a third generation in real estate in my family. So three is also a very symbolic number in my faith. And so I’m like, Man, everything really powerful in my Bible is in threes, you know, you’ve got the Trinity, you’ve got Jesus rising from the dead on the third day, and like, three is a pretty powerful number. So and then it just also on a on a lighter note. We do the sing around our house where it’s three bites. And you know, it’s like after three bites, we’re sitting in Mexico. And if you go to all inclusive resort, they’ll have you know, all the desserts and all the everything you could eat and, and everything isn’t always very good. Because sometimes we don’t like things. So we would get these plates. And we would chop up everything into little tiny bites. And we’d be like, is it worth it? See, take three bytes of whatever it is. And you know if it’s worth it, three bytes, three dates, three months, three years, pretty much if you start thinking about it, you know, if you really like something, if you’re more than just interested, you know, if you’re committed usually by three, so three keys investments, that’s where it comes from.

Jeff Stephens 

That’s awesome, great story. Well, this is super fun. I feel like I could keep chatting with you all day talking shop and life and personal development. If people want to follow up with you, which I hope they do, I expect to do, what’s the best way for them to find you and keep track of everything you’re up to.

Definite definitely you can stalk me on social media all you want. It’s fun. I like social media. LinkedIn is definitely the happiest place on the planet. But definitely use the back door of my website. You can only get there if you hear me on a podcast or see me speak at an event. And so you can go to Julie holly.com. And that gives you access to all the brands. So it gives you access to three keys investments. And if you want to learn more about syndication, you can sign up to talk or you could learn more about the conscious investor podcast or you can learn about the book clubs and things that I run and coaching. Awesome. All right, a nice having a little backdoor for special people because you’ve if you’ve all the listeners, everyone here, you’ve had a flavor if you’ve got a sample. You so you can come through the backdoor.

Jeff Stephens 

They’ve taken the first of the three bites. bites. Awesome. All right. Well, thank you so much for spending time with me today. I really appreciate it. Yeah,

thank you so much, Jeff.

Jeff Stephens 

Well, there you have it, my conversation with Julie Holly. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. I just think she’s delightful to talk to and all sorts of interesting thoughts that really kind of, you know, combine the the ideas of thoughtfulness and being a conscious investor with strong like tactical and technical understanding of real estate investing mechanics in this particular strategy. And I just really enjoyed that conversation. I hope you did too. And that’s a wrap for this episode of racking up rental. So again, shownotes can be found at thoughtful our e.com/e 163 if you would please do us a big favor by hitting the subscribe or follow button and that podcast app of yours and maybe just as importantly take a second to rate and to review the show. If you think we’re doing good job here. Give us those five stars and say anything you want in the review doesn’t have to be Shakespearean in length or eloquence. Just say something in there and it really helps and we so appreciate it. I see every single one myself. Did you know also that we have a Facebook group for thoughtful real estate entrepreneurs? It’s true, true story. It’s called rental portfolio wealth builders. We would love to have you join us and hang out over there. Just go to group dot thoughtful rt.com And the magic of the internet will take you right to that page in Facebook and you can hit the join button. If you liked this episode, please take a screenshot of it, post it to Instagram. From your phone tag us we’re at thoughtful real estate. I’ll see you in the next episode. Until then, this is Jeff from the thoughtful real estate entrepreneur signing off. Thanks for listening to racking up rentals where we build long term wealth by being Win Win deal makers. Remember, solve the person to unlock the deal and solve the financing to unlock the profits.

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