Category: How to buy real estate

  • Acquisition Strategies Are Completely Different Sports

    Acquisition Strategies Are Completely Different Sports

    Most real estate investors are open to many different acquisition strategies for finding, negotiating and financing their deals. Thoughtful Real Estate Entrepreneurs, on the other hand, tend to be more selective, and stick to the acquisition strategies that best fit their talents and gifts. In this episode, Jeff describes why employing different acquisition strategies is like playing completely different sports, and explains how this can hinder an investor’s growth.

  • 200th Episode! Why I Don’t Think of Tenants as ‘Customers’

    200th Episode! Why I Don’t Think of Tenants as ‘Customers’

    As real estate investors and rental property owners, are tenants our customers? Seems like an obvious question with an obvious ‘yes’ answer, but when we look at it from a different perspective we get a different answer.  In this special 200th episode of Racking Up Rentals, Jeff explains why he does NOT see tenants as customers, and instead sees them in a different role. This change of perspective reframes entirely how we see the business of building a rental portfolio.

  • “I Can Tell You’re My Kind of People”

    “I Can Tell You’re My Kind of People”

    The holy grail of relationship-based negotiation and Seller Relations is when your Seller says—or even thinks—“I can tell you’re my kind of people.”  In this episode, Jeff tells the story of a coaching client’s recent deal, in which the coaching client got the deal as a result of successfully building rapport and leading the Seller to the natural conclusion that the buyer was “their kind of people.”

  • Only Buy Deals You’ve Personally Negotiated

    Only Buy Deals You’ve Personally Negotiated

    Many real estate investors have a mentality of “I don’t care where the deals come from as long as they make sense.” These investors are more than happy to buy properties from wholesalers, through real estate agents, or any other source.  But as Thoughtful Real Estate Entrepreneurs, we aren’t interested in buying properties negotiated by other people—at all.  In this episode, Jeff explains why TREES are so committed to negotiating their own purchases, and discusses the critical differences between buying “properties” and buying “opportunities.”

  • The Myth of “Low Inventory”

    The Myth of “Low Inventory”

    Real estate investors in today’s market are finding it difficult to buy properties the traditional way. One of the main difficulties they lament is “low inventory.” But is inventory really low? And is “low inventory” even an issue that should affect them? In this episode, Jeff reframes what inventory is, explains why there’s not really low inventory at all and why higher inventory isn’t necessarily better.  Most importantly, Jeff explains how you can continue to grow your portfolio regardless of what the inventory statistics say.

  • The INCREDIBLE Growth You Can Experience in Just 5 Years, with Alexandra Haider

    The INCREDIBLE Growth You Can Experience in Just 5 Years, with Alexandra Haider

    As real estate investors, we are growth-oriented creatures. We want to grow our portfolios, wealth and cash flow to achieve financial freedom. But most of us also want to grow as humans as well; fortunately, the two go hand-in-hand. In this episode, Jeff interviews real estate entrepreneur Alexandra Haider, who—in just the first five years of her real estate investing career—has built a portfolio of hundreds of residential units and hundreds of thousands of square feet of commercial real estate. Alexandra shares her story, tips for growing into new and bigger deal types, and growing as a person and entrepreneur along the path.

  • “Unreasonable Sellers” and Why I Love Them

    “Unreasonable Sellers” and Why I Love Them

    We’ve all met them: the off-market Sellers who we chat with and immediately have red flags that they are not reasonable. But what exactly defines “unreasonable”? For more real estate investors, an unreasonable Seller is one who has unrealistic expectations for their property’s value. But for us Thoughtful Real Estate Entrepreneurs, our perspective is different and we define “unreasonable Sellers” differently. In this episode, Jeff explains why those Sellers who most investors would disregard as “unreasonable” actually represent great opportunity for those skilled in the art of Relationship Capital and Seller Relations.

  • Using “Seller Bonding” in Multifamily Investing, with Rod Khleif

    Using “Seller Bonding” in Multifamily Investing, with Rod Khleif

    It’s no secret that if you want to grow a portfolio, buying multifamily rentals can boost your portfolio size, door count and monthly income quickly.  In this episode, Jeff interviews multifamily real estate investing legend Rod Khleif.  Rod shares his epic journey—including both highs and lows—in real estate investing, explains why he feels we will be facing an economic downturn, discusses the importance of giving, and explains “seller bonding” and how it can be used to buy properties with Seller Financing. Rod Khleif is the author of “How to Create Lifetime Cash Flow Through Multifamily Properties: The New Rules of Real Estate Investing,” and one of the leading educators for multifamily real estate investors.

  • The Hidden World of Investment Real Estate

    The Hidden World of Investment Real Estate

    Unlock your ability to buy investment real estate without banks or real estate agents! In this episode, Jeff shares the recording from a recent presentation he delivered called The Hidden World of Investment Real Estate. In this presentation you’ll learn that there’s a whole world of real estate that can be purchased without banks or agents. You’ll learn how you can buy properties nobody else knows are for sale…without applying for a bank loan. You’ll learn how to have control over your own real estate destiny, and never again be limited in what you can buy, or when you can buy it—you’ll be able to scale your portfolio at the rate you want to. And, you’ll learn how the Direct Relationship Capital Method Works. This is exact approach we use to buy properties off-market with Seller Financing

  • SFREI #32: Build Wealth By Revitalizing Small Town Main Streets with Robb Crocker

    Share This: SFREI #32: Build Wealth By Revitalizing Small Town Main Streets with Robb Crocker Episode Summary Listen on iTunes Listen on Spotify In this episode, host Jeff interviews guest Robb Crocker, a real estate entrepreneur who has built an incredible commercial real estate portfolio one deal at a time, without it even being his […]